Customs Clearance Services

Customs Clearance Services

Our Services

Customs Clearance Services

As DYS logistics, we provide services in all sub-headings of the logistics industry in an extremely wide and comprehensive area, responding to all expectations. One of those sub-headings in business is the services we provide in the field of customs clearance, which requires full expertise and is not an area that every logistics company can do.

If it is necessary to express what the concept of customs clearance is by looking at it conceptually, customs clearance is the general name given to all the works that need to be done at the customs. As can be seen from the scope below, there are many sub-headings. Moreover, each has its own subtleties. This service must be provided by people who have received training in this field, are equipped, follow the developments in the field, are visionary, know the language and have a good grasp of the subject and legislation. Customs clearance is a concept related to both import and export, so both exporting companies and importing companies have customs duties.

Customs Clearance Service Scope

The works we do within the scope of customs clearance services are as follows:

Invoicing work
Certification service of Exporters’ Associations
Preparation of Customs Declaration
Closing the Customs Declaration
Keeping track of the time for temporary exits
Submission of documents
Preparation of the content of customs clearance services for import
Detection of G.T.I.P.
Receiving the documents related to import from your company
Registration of the Customs Declaration and subsequent follow-up of the works related to it
Receiving Letter of Guarantee or blocked checks
Performing cost calculations
Resolution of the letter of guarantee
Issuing the control document
Preparation of documents such as ATR –EUR1- CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN and then having them approved by the Chamber of Commerce
Receiving the IO

As it can be understood from the information above, we provide customs clearance services in an extremely wide area and without leaving any work for you. Your time is up to you.

About Our Prices

Finally, if we need to mention our prices in the field of customs clearance services, our prices are very suitable according to market conditions. The fee is determined according to your scope of service. If the whole process is to be followed by us, a fee is determined accordingly, if there is no consultancy in this area. At the payment point, all kinds of convenience are shown. You can pay in the way that suits you best.

Safe transport of valuables
Optimization Programs
24/7 Technical Support
Low operating costs
Minimum shipping times